Publications and Preprints

Here is my Google Scholar profile.


  1. MissDiff: Training Diffusion Models on Tabular Data with Missing Values.
    Yidong Ouyang, Liyan Xie, Chongxuan Li, Guang Cheng.
    (Presented in part in ICML 2023 Workshop on Structured Probabilistic Inference & Generative Modeling)

  2. Neural Differential Recurrent Neural Network with Adaptive Time Steps.
    Yixuan Tan, Liyan Xie, and Xiuyuan Cheng.

  3. Survival Analysis with Graph-Based Regularization for Predictors.
    Xi He, Liyan Xie, Yao Xie, and Pinar Keskinocak. Submitted.

  4. Robust Hypothesis Testing with Wasserstein Uncertainty Sets.
    Liyan Xie, Rui Gao, and Yao Xie.

Journal Papers

  1. eRPCA: Robust Principal Component Analysis for Exponential Family Distributions.
    Xiaojun Zheng, Simon Mak, Liyan Xie, Yao Xie. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, 2024.

  2. Window-Limited CUSUM for Sequential Change Detection.
    Liyan Xie, George V. Moustakides and Yao Xie. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2023.

  3. Spectral CUSUM for Online Network Structure Change Detection.
    Minghe Zhang, Liyan Xie, and Yao Xie. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2023.

  4. Online High-Dimensional Change-point Detection using Topological Data Analysis.
    Xiaojun Zheng, Simon Mak, Liyan Xie, and Yao Xie. Technometrics, 2022.

  5. Sequential Change-Point Detection for Mutually Exciting Point Processes.
    Haoyun Wang, Liyan Xie, Alex Cuozzo, Simon Mak, and Yao Xie. Technometrics, 2022.

  6. Early Detection of COVID-19 Hotspots Using Spatio-Temporal Data.
    Shixiang Zhu, Alexander Bukharin, Liyan Xie, Shihao Yang, Pinar Keskinocak, and Yao Xie. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (JSTSP), 2022.

  7. Sequential Change Detection by Optimal Weighted L2 Divergence.
    Liyan Xie and Yao Xie. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, 2021.

  8. Sequential Change Detection: Classical Results and New Directions. (Survey paper)
    Liyan Xie, Shaofeng Zou, Yao Xie, and Venugopal V. Veeravalli. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, 2021.

  9. High-resolution Spatio-temporal Model for County-level COVID-19 Activity in the US.
    Shixiang Zhu, Alexander Bukharin, Liyan Xie, Mauricio Santillana, Shihao Yang, and Yao Xie. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 2021.

  10. Screening Candidate Supplementary Cementitious Materials under Standard and Accelerated Curing Through Time-series Surface Resistivity Measurements and Change-Point Detection.
    Rios, Renee T., Francesca Lolli, Liyan Xie, Yao Xie, and Kimberly E. Kurtis. Cement and Concrete Research, 2021.

  11. Sequential Subspace Change-Point Detection.
    Liyan Xie, Yao Xie, and George V. Moustakides. Sequential Analysis, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 307-335, 2020.

  12. Convex Parameter Recovery for Interacting Marked Processes.
    Anatoli Juditsky, Arkadi Nemirovski, Liyan Xie, and Yao Xie. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 799-813, Nov. 2020.

  13. Sequential change-point detection via online convex optimization.
    Yang Cao, Liyan Xie, Yao Xie, and Huan Xu. Entropy, Special Issue on “Information Theory in Machine Learning and Data Science”. Vol. 20, No.2, 108. 2018.

Conference Papers

  1. Distributionally Robust Quickest Change Detection using Wasserstein Uncertainty Sets.
    Liyan Xie, Yuchen Liang, Venugopal V. Veeravalli. AISTATS 2024.

  2. Sequential Wasserstein Uncertainty Sets for Minimax Robust Online Change Detection.
    Yiran Yang and Liyan Xie. ICASSP 2024.

  3. Improving Adversarial Robustness by Contrastive Guided Diffusion Process.
    Yidong Ouyang, Liyan Xie and Guang Cheng. ICML 2023.

  4. Distributionally Robust k-Nearest Neighbors for Few-Shot Learning.
    Shixiang Zhu, Liyan Xie, Minghe Zhang, Rui Gao, and Yao Xie. Neurips 2022.

  5. Minimax Robust Quickest Change Detection using Wasserstein Ambiguity Sets.
    Liyan Xie. ISIT 2022.

  6. Optimality of Graph Scanning Statistic for Online Community Detection.
    Liyan Xie and Yao Xie. ISIT 2021.

  7. Uncertainty Quantification for Inferring Hawkes Networks.
    Haoyun Wang, Liyan Xie, Alex Cuozzo, Simon Mak, and Yao Xie. Neurips 2020.

  8. Online Community Detection by Spectral CUSUM.
    Minghe Zhang, Liyan Xie, and Yao Xie. ICASSP 2020.

  9. Asynchronous multi-sensor change-point detection for seismic tremors.
    Liyan Xie, Yao Xie, and George V. Moustakides. ISIT 2019.

  10. Robust hypothesis testing using Wasserstein uncertainty sets.
    Rui Gao, Liyan Xie, Yao Xie, and Huan Xu. NeurIPS 2018 (Spotlight).

  11. First-order optimal sequential subspace change-point detection.
    Liyan Xie, George V. Moustakides, and Yao Xie. GlobalSIP 2018.

  12. Nearly second-order optimality of online joint detection and estimation via one-sample update schemes.
    Yang Cao, Liyan Xie, Yao Xie, and Huan Xu. AISTATS 2018.

  13. Communication efficient signal detection for distributed ambient noise imaging.
    Liyan Xie, Yao Xie, Sin-Mei Wu, Fan-Chi Lin, and Wenzhan Song. Asilomar 2018.

  14. Sequential detection of low-rank changes using extreme eigenvalues.
    Liyan Xie and Yao Xie. CAMSAP 2017.


  1. Robust Statistical Inference Through the lens of Optimization (PDF). Ph. D. dissertation, Georgia Tech, May. 2021.